The Time Before The Catalysis


 Hail Wise - Child Of Atlantis = One World / One People
To WE Children = Those Before & During & After Catalysis = You Are Loved
[Don't Hurt Father = WE Get Sentimental / Enlightened  From Ages Past]
 Shall We Begin The Story 
Of The
Time After The Catalysis
For Few Now The Gods Of War
The WE Shall Draw A Picture & ALLOW You To Fill In The Blanks
For When Your Realize The Truth & Scale You Will Weep 
For Many SUN's & MOON's

The FALL Was Great / The People Separated / Sibling Rivalries Where Formed
It Took Many Cycles / Zodiac To Come To Term With The Destruction Of Our Home Atlanits
The Mission Remains The Same / The Transcendence Of The Human Race  
To Start You Of Shall WE Paint The Story Of Set & Horus
The Continent Of Africa

 For Do You See Egypt The THREE Great Pyramids = Center Of Trade

Do You See The Southern Point / The Furthers Away From The Center Of The Earth
(Equator Line)

The Head Of Egypt Lays Here Peace Treaties Are Written Here
Rome & Egypt
Now For The Story Of Set & Horus 
{[ Don't Look Into The Technology WE Lost Or The Weapons WE Used To Kill Each Other / We Children Broke WE Heart During This Cycle] Technology Resurrection Required For Civilization And Know There Is A Darkside To This

Lands Broken = People & History Lost

 Shall WE Reveal More Of The World Of Humanity

Or Shall WE Be All Loving & Hold This Truth
 The Time Before & During & After

A Galaxy / A Tip Of WE Vision & Mission

For GOD Never Stop There Conquest

For Behold HOLD WE SON = Hail Wise = For WE SEE The Children Of Atlantis & WE Fathers SON

[Hail WISE]