Upper Class Tips:

Beware Some Cultures Are Open About The LAW & GAME They Play


Due To Expansion Or Natural


Let Me Show You Around / Let WE Watch You Play 

For Behold Not All People Show Their Dark-side

Behold WE Darkness Can You Comprehend It

A Bow Tie


Infinity Gestures / A Gift / Placement .....

Let The Magic Do It's Work

Neck Tie

It's the Knot / Cloth - Old Cloth Rome [Style Yet Not - Concept = Symbol / Practicality & So On  ] Conquest / Be-careful Politics


Shoe Types:


- Worker Trust

- Loyalty  

- Banker


Look Beer-Foot


And On We Go Double Meaning

Up Or Down & More

The Bigger The Civilization The More Complex Relations

- Business 

- Trade 

- Tourism

- Banking / Assists

= Be Lazy - It's Exhausting For You Will Have Created Your Own Chains If Your People Are ([Not)Ready] Or Your Outside The Box - This Is Were Your People Need The Ability To SEE / Educated Because ONE'S Behavior Is Upper Class & Thoughts Patter (Mad Hatter) / Gesture = Humble Yet Dangerous

That Goes For Speaking 2

When In Time & Space

(The Story Of Time & History & Truth [Dark Matter])