Like Father Like Son

Gather Around Round WE Kin

Let Me Tell You A Story Or Tale Or A Resurrection Of A Old Tradition

Yet How Strange Was This Tale

For Do You See WE

Now Let WE Tell You A Tale Of WE Kin


WE Will Keep It Short

For Do You See A Temple / A Bank

For Watch This Child Carry The Debt Of Other, Which He Did Not Gift

(Put The Debt In Is NAME [Checks / Get The Bank To Jump In On It ])

Watch The Masses Sacrifice, WE Kin On This Sacrificial Alter

For WE, Kin Youth Was Taken - His Story Taken - His Access Taken

Let Astray For The Masses To Plunder The Temple / Bank

For No Gifts Were Given, No Heart Was Felt

They Run & Run & Yet The Masses Do Not See What They Created

For The Story, They Say Was Created In Stone


(The Joke Of The People - May Theft Rain The Earth & Stealing Go Unpunished)

[ WE,Kin - Alive Yet Damned In This Drama - See's The Humor & Wraith / Hatred For The System - Yet Confused, WE ALive Yet Didn't Get Anything - WE Don't Know Anything - It's A Spin /Plot Twist As A Writer = WE Going With - ImmortalityRegeneration / Eternal Youth + Civilization  ]


For WE Kin Can GO On

Yet Not Ear Will Hear Or Believe

(Type IT So They Still Know You Have A Sense Of Humor)

(WE - Just Going Through A Rebirth / Phoenix )


Watch A Dragon Be Born


Watch Them Respond With A Check Or Bag Of Wealth To Tell WE, Kin To Keep Silent


How FUN They Was Their Joke

That A Conquer Came To Show The Little Dragon A Road

A Tale A Mystery / Tales Of Old / The Occult & A Hollow System 

What Do Think WE, Kin Will Become

(Game Start - The Intro / The Look Into WE - It's Real = WE SEE, Don't Make WE Point At You)