Sprout = Roots


[ Excalibur ]

For Do See This Ganja / Gaia (Forests) Bush

For It's Uses Fairy From Health Remedies (Brain - Seizures) 

To Accessories 

To Products

To Full (Energy)


The Gift Of The Sprout = Colourful Flowers

There's A Conversation Happening BackStage


Let's Begin The Lesson On Roots:

For The Roots Hold / Store / Control Flow / Capture Space And Make Relationships


Know Let's Apply Some Uses:


WE Contain This Plant & Plant It In The Greater Soil / Play (Theatre)

It's Germination To A Sprout Is Secured Yet It's Growth In The Theatre Is A Test

Let's Explain This Play

Shall WE Planet Thee Directly (Go Through The Levels)


Shall WE Planet Thee With A Gift = Stitching The Threads (Threads Of Fate) Of The Roots For Expansion

The Separation Of Osiris = The Levels Of The Expansion Varies

 For This Replicates The Relationship Between Fungi And Plants


For Do You See Wise's Temple = The Colourfull ONE

The ONE Who Knows ALL Expression

(Note : This Is Not The First Stone = Don't FOOL Yourself = Stay Humble