Knight Templar


Hail Wise


Anime : Fate Grand Order


A Child Of The Church - Common Folk

A Child Trained In Rome's Sword - Common Folk


A Child Gifted By The Wisdom Of Wise's Water

Reason :


Not All Common Folk Can Walk In The Robe / Cloth - Priest Class


[ WE Will Not Reveal The Structure Of The Class System In This ARMY ]

 ( The Grail - Immortality - Occult )

The Blessing Of Wise Was A Great Gift For The Common Folk Where Forbidden From Reading Or Learning

(Outside The Box)

{ After WAR = Trade / Culture / ......... = How To Hide It ???? (Don't Look Into The Politics - Common Folk Can't Have Some Things / Artifacts ) Inside Joke Sleight Of Hand - Temple}


The Maps - Travel By Land - Continents  / Don,t Take A Gold Coin Shape For Granted

The Unseen ROAD


Reason :

Smelting / Tools / WE Don't Want Scales - Need A Bank To Start Evolution - Long Process = A Rail Road = A GRANITE STONE


Wise Was The Water That Draw The Common Folk In


( Be-careful When Looking Into The Genetic Pool - Numbers Don't Mean Variety (Economic Joke = Gold & Silver & Copper Reserve Low, Low, Low / Economic - Liquidity [Low - It's A Complex Process With Gene's = Plolitics]) = WE In Trouble )


Don't Look Into The Genetic Pool To Deeply Just Know The Pool Is In Danger & Mixing Needs To Happen Yet You Need ONE With A Genetic Eye To See Who Needs To Mix 

Reason :

If You See It In It's Full - Every Feature / Culture / Language / Idea's = You May Commit Suicide = Religion / People / Location / Time / Relationship = Betrayal - You See Who, Betrayed Who  (Dr Who ???) & The Price They Pay & Watch Humanity Go Extinct - [ WE Know Life Is Old - WE Leave It To You How To Explain This To Your People / Location ]

Teaching This & Not Letting Your Children See The Full To Save Them - Is Hard - They Kill The Very Key That Unique Piece In The Gene Pool - It Super Hard To Be A Genetic Individual To Keep The Game Going = For Not Every One Play


Their Are Only A Few Of WE Left & This Is Deep Rabbit Hole = Biological Vessel & Energy Vessel [WE Evolve Our Souls]= This Is A Hard / Dangerous Job  

So You Think WE Are Normal:


We Don't Want To Have Sex With ALL Of YOU - Yet WE Don't SEE WE = WE SEE You = What Did You Do? 

You Gene's Are In Decline - Mental / Physical / Souls

You Didn't Listen TO The Lesson 

WE Need To Address This Genetic Problem = Empirical Evidence Say This Is Slow


Make Fathers Child = Immortal First (Genetic Bank)

 Example :

You See A Religion = WE See A Gene

See How OLD WE Are / WE See The Tribe You Started At & Yet You Don't See WE & Yet WE Still Share Some Seen Yet Unseen Feature You Have & More

You See How Long & Dangerous This Is - [ Racism (You Knew, Why Did You Let It Go On After It Play It's Power Play Purpose ) Was A TRAP ]

(It's A Really, Really Small World = Humanity Is Dying)


The Common Folk Where More Loyal To Their Teacher & Church - Than They Where To The Crown [Not The Crown, You Know]


Be-careful - What Crown You Show As Symbol & How You Use It 

( Church & Royal Families Politics = Money Treasuries Of The Globe )

Why WE Love Wise - He Doesn't Need To Teach 

How Odd Was WE(He) For That Class Does Not Teach The People

(You Know The Upper)

Rome Within The Church & Avoid The Politics 

Politics - Emperor (Alot Changed Rome / Greek) To Pop = Humble Report